Here Comes Bat Books

For anyone interested, do not play Here Comes the Sun the way I am playing it here. It isn’t the correct chords and is ill-advised. I play it this way because I like it not because it is good or right.
I played Here Comes the Sun at my senior year of HS’ Battle of the Bands. I was in a duo with my neighbor Ed. We played Our House, Here Comes the Sun, he played Yes’ Mood for a Day. We were a very low key band but pretty musical, though there were a few wildly unsuccessful experiments along with the successful ones.
I wanted to change the strings on the Strat before I recorded this. But I got hung up and didn’t get a chance to.
Bruce Wayne Hill
Sorry Peter Gabriel Fans.
Cassandra Wait
This is a parody of the song The Weight by The Band. I used both the album and live version from The Last Waltz for the intro, also got some help from YouTube.
Batman and Robin Down By the School Yard
Bad bad bad. This was a song that was perfectly happy being a 70’s oddball. Little did I realize how much fun it is to play. The rhythm is wonderful. Had a little trouble with some of the lyrics but one day it all just fell into place. That funny “It was against the law” break: Em to Am is a weird digression. I left it in, but the rhyme is so repetitive I thought it would be tedius. Saved by Catwoman’s paw.
The Professor Frenzy Show – Unnatural Podcasts
You love Mirka Andolfo’s Unnatural. Chris and Gerry did too. Check out their coverage of each issue of Unnatural:
Issue 1 Episode 10 Discussion
Issue 2 Episode 15 Discussion
Issue 3 – Episode 19 Spotlight and Discussion
Issue 4 – Spotlight and Discussion
Issue 5 – Episode 32 Spotlight and Discussion
Issue 6 Episode 36 Discussion
Issue 7 Episode 41 Discussion
Issue 8 Episode 45 Discussion
Issue 9 Episode 54 Discussion
Issue 10 Episode 59 Discussion
Issue 11 Episode 63 Discussion
Issue 12 – Episode 68 Discussion
Paint It Bats
Notable Songs
I have done a bunch of parody songs for either Bat Books for Beginners or The Professor Frenzy Show. Some work, some don’t. Some were ludicrous to try in the first place and turned out bizarre. Others failed but maybe there was something in it somewhere.
The feeble attempts and boring ones aren’t in this list. I listen to them so you don’t have to.
The Better Ones
The Weird Ones
Other Solid Ones
Bat Trades
I love Nico’s version of These Days. Please don’t think that because I am doing a terrible version of the song here that I am making fun of it or her singing. I think she is terrific and it is my limited abilities that make this one sound funny.
Don’t You Want My Bat Books
I heard this song somewhere in the city and the chorus seemed perfect to add Bat Books to. I had to do some research on who did it originally and found the lyrics so I could ‘replace’ them. That’s when I realized this is a messed up song. My original plan was to practice it a few times so I could get the opening/closing piece smooth but I found that the yukkiness of the original lyrics were blocking me. I had to wrap it up quick. So here it is, I’m really selling it aren’t I?