I know The Carpenters aren’t exactly in my normal wheelhouse but every few months I get one of their songs stuck in my head and learning and recording it is the only way to stop it.
Superstar isn’t one that has been in the mind-loop before, but it is a pretty song. I didn’t realize it was first done by Delaney and Bonnie which is cool. However, as well as Clapton may have played it when he was with them, he has no chance next to Karen Carpenter’s voice.
Of course you don’t get Karen here, you are stuck with me. I ignored most of the Carpenter’s arrangement and accompanying music and did my own thing including a little bluesy lead which I think gives it a mellow mood. It was difficult doing the Chorus/Verse time shift without a drummer. I think I did the chorus a little too fast, but it is what it is. I hope you enjoy this version.
Nice rendition, Gerry. Luv the guitar work.
Thanks so much!