This song actually took a lot of work learning on guitar. There was something about that lead lick that I just couldn’t wrap my head around for quite some time. Not sure what it was, but it took some doing.
The thing about doing these songs is that you only have to get it right once while recording, then you have it forever. It isn’t like playing it live where you have to practice and practice and practice until there isn’t any way you can make a mistake.
Needless to say, I don’t have this song stageworthy, but recording wise it is fine.
I think I like all versions of Hazy Shade of Winter, originally written and performed by Simon and Garfunkel. I also love The Bangles version and more recently heard Gerard Way’s version on The Umbrella Academy Netflix show. It is a great great song and doesn’t deserve this treatment.
But here we are. And here are the lyrics more or less:
Crime, crime, crime
Batman has no pity
Madness reigns
Across Gotham City
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It’s Bat Books for Beginners
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It’s Bat Books for Beginners
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I’ve thought of that. Was going for the Simon and Garfunkel version. The Bangles and then Gerard Way did more distorted ones which is also cool.