Last Friday coming home I heard a drummer on the Lex and 63 st station and one of the songs he was playing was an insane version of Billie Jean. All his songs were insane but this one stayed with me. I decided to give it a try for a more generic intro, rather than being about the plot of the comic book.
There was a lot of shortening of this song. It was a funny idea that ran out of laughs pretty quick. You have to hit and run with these promos. The end might sound jammed on but the reason for that is because I just jammed it on. It was going too long and I did it a little spitefully so there it is. Maybe I’ll come back to it. That is one of the little lies I like to tell myself.
There are two guitar parts, both using my Strat Highway 1 with the Vintage pickup probably. The SM 58 is the vocal mic. All through the mixer into the computer and mixed in Audacity.
Neither part is particularly difficult. It was really all about synchronizing all the parts which is hard for me without a drummer. And I have no experience doing it as a singer and am finding it more difficult than I expected. I made a mistake in the timing of one of the chords somewhere in the middle pf the song. Maybe I’ll fix it when I fix the end.
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